German Pronunciation Training

360 €

  • Our instructor: Certified German teacher and speech therapist (Logopäde)
  • Highly professional lessons
  • Theory and practice
  • Intensive pronunciation exercises
  • Requirements: At least a solid B1 level
  • 1 lesson = 45 minutes
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Take your German pronunciation to the next level!

Maybe you are already working in Germany, but you want to change your position or even look for a better job where you also have to speak to customers, and for which you need to speak more clearly?


Then our pronunciation training is just right for you! You will learn to pronounce the German sounds correctly, you will work on your speech melody, your word and sentence accent, and your breathing, gradually becoming clearer and more fluent.


Your teacher Laura is an expert in pronunciation and phonetics. She is a state-certified speech therapist as well as a teacher for German as a foreign language, which is why she can react and respond optimally to your difficulties.


You can attend the course in person at our school or online (live viaZoom).


You can find more information about prices and course dates in our form at the bottom of this page.

German Pronunciation Training

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Take your German pronunciation to the next level!

Do you sometimes think "why do some people not understand me although I have already learnt so much German?” It could be that your pronunciation in German is still not that good.

Maybe you are already working in Germany, but you want to change your position or even look for a better job where you also have to speak to customers, and for which you need to speak more clearly?


Then our pronunciation training is just right for you! You will learn to pronounce the German sounds correctly, you will work on your speech melody, your word and sentence accent, and your breathing, gradually becoming clearer and more fluent.


Your teacher Laura is an expert in pronunciation and phonetics. She is a state-certified speech therapist as well as a teacher for German as a foreign language, which is why she can react and respond optimally to your difficulties.


You can attend the course in person at our school or online (live viaZoom).


You can find more information about prices and course dates in our form at the bottom of this page.

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German TEAChers

Course fees and dates

German Pronunciation Training

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No problem! Just get in touch with us :)