German conversation course

360 €

  • 12 weeks
  • 1 evening per week
  • 2 lessons per week
  • 06:30 pm - 08:00 pm
  • recommended from B1 level
  • Intensive practice of free speaking
  • Current and engaging topics
  • Vocabulary expansion
  • Speaking accuracy
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Learn to speak German fluently

In our conversation course we’ll help you to speak fluently.

If you still have problems to participate in longer and also more difficult conversations without overthinking or without making mistakes, then this is the right course for you! You will practice speaking freely, spontaneously, and for longer periods of time at B2/C1 level, and you will practice not losing your train of thought even in deep discussions.

In our conversation course, different, new topic is dealt with every week. Therefore, it is possible to join the course at any time.

German conversation course

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Learn to speak German fluently

You know the grammar rules in German, have already learned a lot of vocabulary and have attended several German courses; however, you still have problems to speak freely. A conversation course for German might be the solution for you!

In our conversation course we’ll help you to speak fluently.

If you still have problems to participate in longer and also more difficult conversations without overthinking or without making mistakes, then this is the right course for you! You will practice speaking freely, spontaneously, and for longer periods of time at B2/C1 level, and you will practice not losing your train of thought even in deep discussions.

In our conversation course, different, new topic is dealt with every week. Therefore, it is possible to join the course at any time.

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German TEAChers

Course fees and dates

German conversation course

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No problem! Just get in touch with us :)